The Little Things





Let's Get Started

Life is all about special moments. We look forward to being part of your family’s important newborn/infant photo session as your professional photographer. Reach out the beginning of your third trimester to book your newborn session. Due to the flexibility required to capture your precious newborn I only schedule a few newborns at a time to allow for scheduling adjustments.

It is never too late to have your baby photographed. It is important to manage expectations of a session. Curly sleepy newborn photos are never guaranteed but usually achieved with babies under 2 weeks. A 6 week baby may sleep during a session and have awake time, but may not be able to curl into womb positions or want to be wrapped. We do believe that generally babies can be successfully photographed at any age. 

If your infant is 6 weeks or older let chat to see if a newborn session or portrait session will be the most appropriate to meet your needs!

Fill out the inquiry form below to get access to our newborn magazine

Our magazine includes information on how to select a photographer who is right for you, planning for your session, and pricing information.

Anything you would like me to know?

Parker Colorado Newborn Photography
Parker Colorado Newborn Photography
Parker Colorado Newborn Photographer
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Denver Metro Newborn Photographer